Camino Updates - November 2024 through February 2025
We have been hard at work updating our system with new integrations and features that will help you in your business operations and evangelization efforts. Below you will find all new updates in the Camino system from November 2024 through February 2025.
Virtus Integration For those who use Virtus at your parish or diocese for tracking safe environment information, we have now enabled an API with the Virtus program. This allows you to see all parishioners who are in the safe environment program, their compliance status, their documents and trainings dates, and more. You no longer need to keep track of these important dates in two separate systems or spend long periods of time updating records. The Virtus API updates every night and in real time when you click on a specific member.
View a listing of all parishioners who are enrolled in Virtus
Introducing Document Batches/Individual Tax Letters on the Household Screen You now have the ability to run a report and create document batches, such as tax letters, and make these tax letters visible for individual households directly on their household screen. You no longer have to run a report with a specific ID number. These documents, which can include any document and not just tax letters, will now appear on the household level and are downloadable by word document or PDF.
Create documents for individual households
Save them on the household screen
Download documents to both word or pdf directly from the household screen
Diocese Fund Total Details If your diocese is using Camino for the Annual Appeal we can now show the specific donor detail of all contributions that were applied in credit to your parish. This has to be turned on at the Diocese level so please reach out to our customer service team to get this enabled.
View individual donor detail of those who have given to the annual appeal toward your parish goal
Filter by parishioner status
View members that may not even be in your parish database so you can call them and get them registered at your parish
Add Mass Counts to Camino You can now add Mass counts to Camino by creating your parish Mass times and giving a total count for any Mass or weekend. A report will be enabled so you can get this data out of the system and the diocese will have the ability to run the same report at their level for October Mass counts. You will need the proper access rights to view these new features.
Add Mass times under Administration and Parish Tab
Add Mass counts under parish life tab by clicking on Mass Counts
Screenshot 2025-03-07 at 12.41.19 PM.png100.95 KB OSV Integration We are happy to partner with OSV to offer a contribution API which will streamline your process for online giving at the parish. This API allows for you to pick a date range and click one button to import all your OSV contributions directly into Camino on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Forget manual entry or custom imports, we will handle the heavy lifting so you can focus on what matters the most.
]Bring all OSV contributions into Camino without export files
New Picture Directory Report We have enabled a report that automatically pulls the household picture you have stored in Camino. This gives you the ability to create a picture directory with basic contact information and print it off.Call our customer support to learn how to run this report at your parish.
Create a picture directory in word
Include basic contact information
Formatting of pictures has been enabled to make the report easy to print
Improved Vanco Integration For those customers using Vanco for your online giving solution, we have updated the API to now match on not only envelope number but also on the last name to ensure data integrity. If there is a case where the envelope number was entered incorrectly we will notify you of the error by showing that the last name in Vanco and the last name in Camino does not match. This update is automatic but if you have any questions feel free to reach out to our support team.
Download Funds and Activities You can now download a list of all funds and activities at the parish or diocese level. This is helpful if you are trying to match funds between Camino and your online giving system or if you are ready to consolidate funds for accounting purposes.
Searching with accents In the main household search bar you can now search using accents and it will pull up the matching information in the system.
Additional Member Assignment Information Member assignment screens now include additional information on the member so you do not have to visit the member to learn more. Assignments.png63.75 KB
Added a field for captions for the family photo in the Household profile
Added more Fields to reports
Added Day, Month, and Year fields to some report types for each sacrament for better sorting in reports
Added the ability to split gifts in Batch Contributions
Now gifts can be split between different credit parishes when entering in batches whereas it was previously only available when importing online contributions
Added a Primary Parish Checkbox at the Diocese level
Added the ability to designate a household's primary parish when viewing from the diocese level for Bishop's Annual Appeal reporting.
Group Fund Goal tracking at the Diocese Level
Updated the Diocese Fund Goals page to allow for tracking group based fund goals.
Updated the pledge totals and contribution totals pages to show the combined totals for grouped parishes
Diocese fund totals dashboard properly shows the diagrams when parishes are grouped
Added Payroll ID Field
If the member is marked as a parish employee, we added an optional field to add a payroll ID
Added "diocese employee" at the diocese level for tracking this information
New search term for Member's screen
Added the ability to search by date of birth in the member's module
New term: "DOB=" or "dob="
New search term for Household's screen
Added the ability to search by External Diocese ID in the member's module
New Term: "EX=" or "ex="
New Field on Member's Screen
Added a column for member's middle name to the Household Members page and Members page.
Added the "Parish Buildings" tab to the parish community member profiles at the diocese level. This feature is in the "Parish" section of Administration at the parish level
Tracking Internments for Cemeteries at the Diocese and Parish Level
New permission "Manage Cemetery"
In the Diocese Community Member screen, with the new role, users can see and search a list of all people buried in the cemetery.
This feature does require the cemetery to be properly set up in the Diocese Community Members
The feature uses the new "Internments Tab"
Searches can be done by Name, Year of Deceased, or Plot Number
Graves will only show here if the cemetery was selected from the dropdown on the funeral tab.
At the Parish level, if the cemetery is properly set up and the user has proper access, a new tab will be available in the Parish Admin screen.
Cemetery management for Parishes can be done from here.
If your diocese is not set up in Camino, contact support to have the cemetery(s) set up properly.
Tracking of Burial Plots
Added a field to allow for tracking of Burial Plots in the Funeral section of Sacraments
Support for Give Central Card Payments on Formation Registration
Credit Cards can now be accepted on the Formation Registration Public Page
Give Central is required
Accounts can be set up specifically for this purpose
Once set up payments can be marked required or optional per class
Fund and Activity are also set per class
Once payment is made, system will show "Paid" on the Online Registration Confirmation Screen and Roster/Reports
Similar feature for Diocese Catechesis coming soon
Other Changes and Updates
New Cemetery Category for Diocese Community Members and Ability To Link a Cemetery to a Parish
Diocese Common Cities can now be managed by Diocese in Lists
Added a "Legal Name" field for Parishes.
Parish Abbreviation used for Clustering and Diocese level Parish Searches
Added "Info Last Verified" to the Households screen so you can now indicate the last time the household contact and member information had been reviewed and verified
If you make a contribution to a pledge, it will force for the credit parish on both the pledge and contribution to be the same.
Warning on Credit Parish Change
If the Credit Parish is changed and it has contributions attached to it, it will bring up a warning letting you know that the credit parish will be changed on the contributions.
Pledge Deletion
Pledges can now be deleted from Camino with the correct access.
A Pledge cannot be deleted if it has contributions tied to it.
We want to introduce you to a preferred partner - GiveCentral. We have been working with GiveCentral in the Dioceses of San Diego and Helena, Montana for several months. Our expertise is in helping enrich your database and ministry tools. GiveCentral's focus is on helping make your engagement and fundraising as simple and easy as possible. This Partnership is just one of the ways that camino and GiveCentral are working together to support the nonprofit sector and help organizations focus on mission rather than administration.
GiveCentral interacts with Camino to automatically send pledges, gifts, and payments to the database without manual intervention. This integration allows nonprofits to seamlessly sync their donor data and fundraising campaigns between GiveCentral and Camino, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors, saving nonprofits valuable time and resources.
Please join us for this special one hour webinar:
What's new with Camino?
Opportunities and enhancements with Camino including lessons learned and best practices.
Who is GiveCentral? What does it mean to seamlessly sysnc between tools?
GiveCentral Opportunities & Demo
Join our upcoming webinars, click on the dates below
Introducing our new partnership with GiveCentral! GiveCentral is now a preferred partner of Camino. Together GiveCentral and the team here at Diocesan have laid the foundation of a seamless online giving experience. With this new integration, if you are a customer of GiveCentral, your online contributions will post to your Camino database automatically with almost zero effort on your end. This is just the beginning so stay tuned for many more features to come that will optimize and revolutionize your experience with the Camino database, such as automatic pledge ID matching, as well as features relating to faith formation. If you would like to learn more about GiveCentral and how it works with Camino, reach out to your Camino support specialist at 1-800-994-9817
Diocese Level - External Parish ID
External Parish ID added to Diocese Level Contribution Reports
Diocese Level - Import Credit Card Fees
The ability to import Credit Card Fees from Give Central at the Diocese Level.
Diocese Level - Give Central Import supports Credit Parish
Give Central File Import API supports Credit Parish at Diocese Level.
New Assignment Address Field
A future Primary Assignment can be made. It will show with a yellow circle and a checkmark. The current Primary Assignment will continue to show as well.
Current Assignment Address Options will be available if ALL of the following conditions are met: Official Assignment is checked Primary Assignment is checkedAssignment Type is “Inside Diocese” Address Type is “Member” Effective Date is in the future
If the assignment’s End Date (made at the Diocese level) is in the future, it will not show at the Parish level until the End Date has passed.Diocese-level View:
Parish-level View:
The assignment’s End Date made at the Diocese level is in the future, and will not show at the Parish level until the End Date has passed.
New Diocese Organization Category to support Congregations of Clusters
A new Diocese Organization Category called Cluster/Family Congregation which will represent churches where Mass is held in a parish community. It is not a separate parish, but a congregation in a parish community.
This congregation should be able to be linked to the parish. These are similar to the buildings parishes may setup, but accessible to the diocese so that they can track addresses, contact information, and any specific assignments.
Ability to split contribution between multiple activities and credit parishes
Users at both the Parish and the Diocese are able to Split Contributions from a single Fund to multiple Activities. Diocese level users are able to split on Credit Parishes as well
Ability to split pledge to activities and credit entities by amount (or %)
Tie a contribution to a specific pledge
Users are able to link a contribution to a specific pledge.
Tying old contributions to pledges.
We automatically associated all previous contributions with their respective pledges but in some cases we were unable to determine which pledge a contribution was associated with if there were multiple pledges to the same fund with overlapping date ranges. In this case we built a way for you to manually fix anything we may not have been able to fix automatically. Under Administration -> Procedures there is a new function titled “Contribution Pledge Matching” which can be used to clean up anything that may have been missed.
New pledge report: Contributions - Pledge Fulfillments Summary
This new report will give you a breakdown summary of all of your pledge related information for households as well as community members. This report will work slightly differently than the others as it will show you one line per pledge per split. This means that if you have a pledge that has been split between multiple activities it will show each split and the total paid towards that split. This report will also show any soft credits and how they relate to the pledge.
When searching for Household, Member, Community Member the search result will display the best matches at the top of the list. For example, search for "Smith" will display names with Smith first, streets with Smith next, etc.
In Reports with dates, option of "Between" is added
When creating a report with date and numbers, the option of "Between" is now available to avoid having to create two separate reports.
Added a "Sacrament Verified" button on all Sacraments
Parishes can check a "Sacrament Verified" box if documents have been received for the Sacrament.
Reports that can be connected to Evangelus
The Evangelus icon has been added to the reports that can be connected to Evangelus to help distinguish them.
Adding new household button
When adding a new household and the name matches other households in the system, a button has been added to select it as a new household not associated with the matching names.
Titles added to Fields in Query tab
When running a report, labels have been added to the query tab to replace + and (+)
Ability to revise an online batch after it is posted
We've introduced a new feature that allows users to edit a posted online contribution batch. After a batch has been posted, users with the appropriate permissions can make edits and modifications to it. However, if a contribution is older than a specified time period, the system will prompt the user to provide a reason for the change before allowing the modification. To track these changes, you can click the 'View Change' button, which will display a history of all the modifications made to the batch since it was originally posted.
A checkbox has been added to track if a parent has attended a Baptism class. Once the box is checked, a date field is available to enter the date of the class attended.
Update Titles to be Gender Specific
The Gender field on a Household Member will determine the list of Titles available.
Added the capablility to add a Tribute Type to a pledge
When a pledge is entered there is now the ability to enter the Tributee information.
Added the ability to Email out of Formation Reports
When using the Formation-type report, the ability to email is now available.
To avoid confusion between the Diocese Household ID and the Parish Envelope Number, both are now displayed next to each other on the main household screen. Batch Pledge Entry Enhancement
Batch pledges can now be entered by Envelope Number in addition to Household Name and Household ID. Added the Fund Activity Reference Number to the CSV Export for Batch Contributions
Added the Capability to Delete a Marriage Sacrament
A user can now delete a saved marriage sacrament if their role has the chosen right.Added the Capability to Track the Sacrament of "Anointing of the Sick"
This sacrament is unique in that a person can receive it more than once. Camino tracks the history and allows reporting on the most recent time it was received. Added the Capability to Display more Households, Members, and Reports Per Page
Previously, a user was limited to displaying 10 or 20 items (Households, Members, or Reports) per page. Now they can also choose to display 50 items per page. Additionally, the item "Parish Parameters" was added to the Administration menu to allow the user to set the default items per page for all screens.Enhanced Online Giving Contribution Matching
When importing online giving contributions, the name search will check not only the Household Last Name for a match, but it will now also check the Head Last Name, Head Maiden Name, Co-Head Last Name, and the Co-Head Maiden Name.
Added the Capability for a Parish Household to not Receive Diocese Correspondence
For dioceses that use Camino, they can enable individual parish households to opt out of receiving diocese mail and/or diocese emails. External Diocese IDs can be imported from a CSV file
On the Administration - Procedures menu, a new item was added at both the Diocese and Parish Levels. It's called "Import External Diocese IDs" and it allows the Camino administrator to import External Diocese IDs from a CSV file as long as certain criteria are met. A Parish Employee can be identified on the Member screen
A checkbox was added to the member screen that will allow the user to identify the household member as a Parish Employee.Funds can now be Categorized by Type
On the Administration - Parish Funds menu, the field "Fund Type" was added. This enables the parish to use whatever name they want for the fund description but to classify funds by specific categories.
Soft credits (contributions made by an organization or business on behalf of a household) are now listed on the parishioner's contribution screen with a special symbol. When the soft credit donation is clicked, the name of the organization is displayed.
For Dioceses, Added features to the Credit Parish field
Added the capability to enter the Entity Number in the Credit Parish field for Pledges and Contributions. This can help increase speed and accuracy when entering a large number of pledges or contributions for a diocesan campaign or appeal.
Added the capability to do a full-text search when entering the Credit Parish during Batch Contribution entry.
Sped up the time it takes to save a change to a household or member record
For Dioceses and Parishes, Added fields to different Report Types
For the Report Type of "Contributions - Monthly Parish Summary (Non-Recurring)", the following fields were added.
DETAILS > Donor Mailing Address Line 1
DETAILS > Donor Mailing Address Line 2
DETAILS > Donor Mailing City
DETAILS > Donor Mailing State
DETAILS > Donor Mailing Zip
DETAILS > Donor Mailing City State Zip
DETAILS > Credit Parish Formal
For the Report Type of "Contributions - Campaign Summary (Non-Recurring)", the following field was added.
Mailing Address City State Zip
For the Report Type of "Contributions by Household", the following field was added.
DETAILS > Credit Entity City
For the Report Type of "Contributions - All Donors", the following field was added.
DETAILS > Credit Entity City
For the Report Type of "Members", the following fields were added.
Household Formal Mailing Name
Household Formal Salutation
For the Report Type of "Member Assignments", the following fields were added.
Household Formal Mailing Name
Household Formal Salutation
Mailing Address City State Zip
Prim Assign City State Zip
For the Report Type of "Audit Household Changes", the following field was added.
Household First Names
During Pledge Batch Entry, show any existing pledges the household has made to the same fund
This is done to help prevent the accidental entry of duplicate pledges.
Added fields to Formation Report Types
Added the following fields to the Report Type "Formation - Attendance"
Student Cell Phone Number
Home Email Address
Added the following fields to the Report Type "Formation - Class Roster"
DETAILS > Student Cell Phone Number
DETAILS > Home Email Address
Added the following fields to the Report Type "Formation - Student Classes"
Student Cell Phone Number
Home Email Address
Added the capability to search for a blank sacrament date
It is helpful to search for members who don't have a particular sacrament (e.g. they haven't been baptized). Previously it was not possible to search for a blank sacramental date. Now it is possible for any of the sacraments. It is also now possible to search for a blank celebrant.
Add the Member Relation of "Ex-Spouse"
We've had requests to add "Ex-Spouse" as a relationship for a household member when the Member Type is set to "Adult". This is now possible.
Added the capability to print coupon books for pledges
A new Report Type of "Contributions - Pledge Payment Books" was created. This allows you to create payment books with Payment Date and Payment Number for contributions that are due in the future.
Changed report criteria to be smarter
When entering selection criteria for reports, most fields that have a fixed number of choices now will show those choices as check boxes or as a list. (e.g. The field "Marital Status" can only have 1 of 7 options. Now the relation of "in" can be used and all 7 choices show as checkboxes.)
Warning message when possible duplicate contributions are entered
When entering a batch contribution, if another contribution exists for the same household with the same envelope number, amount, date, fund, and fund activity, the message "This is a possible duplicate. Do you wish to continue?" displays. You can click "Yes" or "No" and continue.
Added "Pledge Type" and "Response Type" fields. This will further identify information about the pledge.
Added a "No Remittance" checkbox next to the "Anonymous" checkbox to be able to identify donors that do not want to receive a remittance for the balance of their pledge.
Added a house icon at the end of the Household field. Clicking this button takes the user to the Households screen so address and other contact information can be updated. Clicking the "Batch Pledges" menu item when done brings the user back into the current pledge batch.
When a Down Payment is entered during the Batch Pledges process, the "Is a contribution included" checkbox is automatically checked and the amount of the Down Payment is automatically copied to the Contribution Amount field.
Other Enhancements:
Added the ability to change the Head of Household from the main member listing screen without having to open the member record.
Added the ability to add personalized links to the online formation registration form by a user.
Added the ability to search by Maiden Name on the household and member screens.
The 7-digit phone number (cell or home without area code) is now able to be searched as well.
Previously there were some issues with searching for people with special characters in their names (e.g. O'Connor). That has been resolved.
Added the capability to store background check information at the parish level. Previously, this was only available at the diocese level.
Students can now be added to a Formation class from the Formation tab on the Members screen.
A Reference Number field has been added next to the Fund Activity name on the Fund Detail screen.
When a household contribution is changed in a previous year, the field "Reason for changing an old contribution" appears and is required to be filled in. That field now appears when changing current year contributions, but it is optional to be filled in.
When enrolling a student in a formation class, the list of names that is displayed now shows the person's birthdate as well as their Member ID to help differentiate students with the exact same name.
When entering batch sacraments, the Baptism date is now displayed as a reference.
Diocese and Parish additional features and corrections:
The information in Address Line 2 is now included when doing Household searches.
Household, member, and contribution searches have been sped up significantly at both the Diocese and Parish levels.
When searching for a Credit Parish at the Diocese Level, a full text search is now enabled. Previously, it was only starting the search with the first name of the parish.
When entering a sacrament place for an individual and choosing "Find a Parish in Discover Mass", the heading "Please choose where this sacrament took place" will now continue to be displayed to avoid any confusion.
For formation programs with many pages of classes, it was annoying if you were working on a class on page 15 and then were taken back to page 1 when you left the class. Now, when done with a class, you are returned to the same page that you left.
The length of the Comments field when importing online giving was increased to be able to handle multiple tributees.
On Diocese and Parish Batch Contributions, if the Payment Type is Check, hitting the ENTER key will take the user directly from Amount to Check # when Check Number is enabled. This will allow the user to only use the 10-key pad for entering batch contributions by envelope number.
Additional fields were added to the Diocese's Recurring and Non-Recurring Pledge Reports to better handle soft credits.
Additional links to webpages can now be added to the Formation Online Registration Confirmation Screen. These links can be used to have the parishioner fill out a photo consent or a medical release or another document needed by the parish's faith formation department. Currently, the parish will need to contact Diocesan to have this done.
Profession of Faith can now be entered when Baptism Date is unknown
Clicking the Ordination events on the Sacrament Summary tab now takes you to the Ordination tab.
The Virtual column now appears in the course description on the public-facing Catechesis page.
The Member History tab now shows proper heads of household in both directions for members moving to new households.
Users with only View Household Members rights can now see Members without an error requiring Sacrament rights.
Student Names and Class Dates are now frozen on Formation Attendance Screen for better usability. You can now scroll left to right or up and down without losing headers.unnamed.png24.74 KB
For Dioceses, Catechesis Registration now freezes names and dates for attendance like formation unnamed.png28.45 KB
The Sacraments tab is now clickable. If you click one of the Summary Sacraments, it will take you to the proper tab. unnamed.png14.74 KB
Date of Birth added to Formation Roster page to help to identify the proper member unnamed.png12.61 KB
Updates to Notifications
Notifications now show in large panels.
Notifications no longer are created when a Family is added to a parish. Instead, notifications are triggered any time a household is added as a Parish Household, School Household, or Formation Household at another parish.
If Parish Household is checked at Parish A, and Household is a member of Parish B, Parish B is notified.
No notifications are sent if the household is just added as a donor (Household, School, and Formation are not checked)
The message was modified to show what kind of registration occurred (Parish, School, Formation, or a combination)
Household ID and Household First Names were added to the notification message for clarity. unnamed.png7.48 KB
Virtual Option added for Catechesis classes at Diocese level. Both fields are also available in the reports as well.unnamed.png14.53 KB
Diocese and Parish additional features and corrections:
Vision 2 is now supported for online giving. Vision 2 can be configured similarly to Vanco Autoconnect.
Query Name label Changed to Report Name
Confirmation Name is no longer required for batch Sacrament Posting
Date of Birth added to the Formation Online Registration processing (similar to that added to the Formation Roster page.)
Funds Page overlaps fields at certain resolutions. This was corrected.
When no DOB is found, hyphen is removed from Formation Search list. This was corrected.
The Hamburger menu button was not working. It has been corrected and now shows other Diocesan products.
A date error was showing on the Assignments page if the assignment ended today. That has been corrected.
Several fields were added to the Report Type, "Formation - Class Roster"
Head Religion
Co Head Religion
Head Occupation
Co Head Occupation
Head Employer
Co Head Employer
Additional audit fields were added for tracking user changes to households
Phone Number
Email Address
Additional audit fields were added for tracking user changes to members
Cell phone
Email Address
Work Phone
Work Email
When clicking "Save and Copy to Spouse" on the Marriage sacrament tab, the husband's middle name was not copied. This has been corrected.
Several fields were added to the Report Type, "Formation - Student Classes"
First Communion Place
Confirmation Place
Marriage Place
Marriage Date
The country "Northern Mariana Islands" was added to the sacrament country dropdown list.
Notification option moved to the bottom of the main menu.
New Report for Sacrament Only Members
Any Documents added to the report above will also now show on the new Letters Tab of the Sacramental Only Non Member page
For Dioceses that may need it, we added a new field to store the External Diocese. It has also been added to all household reports. We also added two new diocese parameters
SHOW_EXTERNAL_DATABASE_ID if true will show the External Database ID field at Diocese and Parish Level for Households.
PARISH_EDIT_EXTERNAL_DATABASE_ID if true will allow the parish to edit this value
Added Finance ID for Diocese Community Members.
Changed label of Custom Mailing Name to Formal Mailing Name
An advanced searching tool tip has been added to the Household page
The Last Name search.
This search is a "Begins with" search, so to search for last name you will enter "l= or L=" then the last name into the search bar (To search for Smith, L=Smith or L=Smi or L=Smit)
The Envelope and ID search
These searches are exact key searches. Once keyed in, the search typically takes a few seconds to appear
To see the tool tip for advanced searching on the Household page, hover over the info icon
Household Member History
When under the Household Member Listing tab of a Household, if a member has been added or removed from the household a button will appear in the top right of the page "View Former Member History"
Made-up and Excused have added as options when taking Attendance in a Formation class
Multiple Dispensation types can now be chosen under the marriage sacrament. In addition to being able to choose multiple dispensations, a free text field has been added for any additional dispensation types
Access level can now be changed after a report is created and saved. Either the report creator can change the access level or users with the right "Reports Administrator" can change access levels for any report
Multiple roles can now be given access to reports when choosing the Access Level of "Role"
Previously, when entering batch contributions, the household could not be changed after entering a contribution. The Household can now be changed before or after posting the batch
When running the Grade Promotion Procedure, if a grade promotion was run in the last 9 months, a message will appear saying that a grade promotion was run recently
When entering a pledge batch and a contribution is included, the Payment Type, Activity, and Contribution Date will be remembered after entering the first contribution
The formation attendance page has been updated to be mobile friendly
Catechists can now easily take attendance directly from any smart device, tablet, or computer
Tags can now be added and removed in batches
The new feature is found by navigating to ADMINSTRATION > PROCEDURES > BATCH TAGS
If you don't see batch tags under PROCEDURES, you will need to have the right of batch tags added to your role
Once the Tag Type and Tag are chosen, the left side is where you will remove the tags, and the right side is where you will add tags
In Batch Pledges, when entering a contribution along with a pledge, the Activity, Payment Type, and Date will be remembered for the next contribution being added. The same way that Batch Contributions remembers those fields.
The reports listing now shows who created and who last modified a report. This will allow for a search to be conducted for reports created or modified by a specific user
The option to include comments in the PDF versions of the Batch Contribution reports is now available
The Batch Contribution screen now has a search bar. Searches can be conducted by batch number, description, or date (m/d/yyyy)
The default activity under a fund will now appear first in the activity list when entering contributions
A major change has been made in how sacrament places are entered. We have integrated with Discover Mass which will allow for a quick search of any parish in the United States to be added as a sacrament place. For your convenience, a video overview of the new feature is at the bottom of this message.
A phone number mask has been added. This will automatically format a phone number as you type it in. The mask has also been added to the Formation Online Registration form.
3 new sections have been added under Administration>Lists
Common Cities – This list will create a dropdown to choose from when entering addresses (City name only, do not include State) ex. Chicago.
Common Places of Birth – This list will create a dropdown to choose from on the Baptism screen (City and State for this list) ex. Chicago, IL.
Non-Member Clergy – This list will create a dropdown for the celebrant field for any sacrament (Intended for clergy that do not belong to the parish or the diocese).
Camino now remembers the last envelope number assigned by your parish. This means when entering a new envelope number the first option in the dropdown list will be the next available number after the last number assigned. For example, if the last envelope number assigned was 301, the dropdown list would be 302, 1, 2, 3.
When searching for a household, you can now search for the preferred name of the Co-Head and Head of Household.
When adding a new member to a household the last name of the household will auto-fill into the member’s last name. This can be changed if need be.
When adding a new household, Camino will now find partial matches in the first name field if the last name is an exact match.
Do not forget about the Camino Knowledge Base. The Knowledge Base contains articles that can help answer questions you may have about Camino
Vietnamese and Korean characters are now supported in name, place, address and notes fields.
A sacrament summary page has been added. This page shows the sacrament name, date and place.
Parent names have been added to the Confirmation Sacraments page.
On the baptism or confirmation screen, when mother's name is chosen from the dropdown list, the mother’s maiden name will populate from the mother’s member screen.
When entering father and mother on the baptism or confirmation page, the Head and Co-head of the household will appear first in the dropdown list.
Next of Kin has been added to the Funeral Sacraments page.
Occupation and Employer have been added to the member screen. These fields are free text fields and we still recommend using talents to keep track of common occupations.
Work email address has been added to the member screen.
The relation of Spouse was limited to the member type of Co-Head. Spouse is now also available for the member types of Adult and Other.
A new right has been added that allows users to edit contributions over a year old. This right is not automatically assigned to any role, so if needed make sure to add this new right to roles where it is needed.
Do not forget about the Camino Knowledge Base. The knowledge base contains articles that can help answer questions you may have about Camino
A new right is now available to be assigned to roles. This right allows a role to view and input pledges toward Formation only funds.
Improvements have been made to the criteria section of reports. Now when you select a field, for example, Fund Number, a dropdown list of your funds is now available to be chosen.
For parishes who use pledges: A summary of the Total Paid and Balance remaining towards a pledge is now available under a Household. To find this new feature go into a household. Go to the pledges tab for the household. Click on the pledge you wish to view. You will see a recap on the right side of your screen.
New fields have been added to the “Members” report type. Sacrament Place Names formal (ex. Baptism Place Formal) These fields are intended for Certificates and letters so that instead of St Mary, Boston it will say St Mary Catholic Parish.
When attempting to add a Catechist to a class in Formation and that member is not in the dropdown list, an error appears. The error message has been changed to include what action must be taken to fix the error.
Do not forget about the Camino Knowledge Base. The knowledge base contains articles that can help answer questions you may have about Camino
New Household and Member Audit Report types are now available. These report types allow administrators to see what changes have been made and by whom
Formation Online Registration
Mobile responsiveness has been improved
Spanish translation is now available on the online registration form
New fields have been added to the form including household information. These fields do not overwrite what is in Camino. The fields can be found when using the report type “Formation – Online Registrations”
Preferred name is now used on the Formation Attendance sheet if the member record contains a preferred name
A new field has been added to the household screen. The new field “Custom Mailing Name” allows you to customize the mailing name for a household. The field will automatically populate with the Formal Mailing Name. From there is can be changed if desired. The fields that pull the “Custom Mailing Name” in the reporting section are “Formal Mailing Name” and “Donor Name Formal”
The Camino Knowledge Base has been completed. This contains articles that give little tips on how to do various things in Camino. The link is below
We switched over to a new login which will allow for seamless transition to other Diocesan products in the future
A new report type has been added called “Formation – Student Classes.” This report is intended for, but not limited to, the creation of Formation certificates as well as emailing from Camino to Formation households
Under Import Online Giving – The download report button now gives you the option to choose the report with or without comments
When you change the name of a report and save it, the name now updates in the blue area of the screen without having to refresh the screen
Improvements to the Formation Online Registration form have been made, including making the form mobile friendly, with more improvements to come
Fields overlapping on the household and member screens have been corrected
When in the Reports section and then searching for a report on page 3, for example, no results would appear. This issue has been fixed
A fund activity can now be marked to not count towards the total paid of a pledge
Formation Online Registration is now available, contact support to get the link to the registration form
When a member is marked deceased incorrectly, you can now "Resurrect" them. You will see the "Resurrect" button on the member screen of deceased members. NOTE: To have this ability, add the right of "Resurrect Members marked Deceased" to a role. The Member Type and Relation to Head of Household will be made "Other" and will need to be updated by the user to the appropriate fields
Ability to post Sacraments as a Batch. Location: Administration > Procedures > Sacrament Batch Note: This is also a right that must be added. “Ability to bulk load Sacrament data for large groups” is the name of the right
New ‘Listed’ fields for Addresses and Phone numbers have been added
Examples include ‘Mailing Address 1 Listed’ or ‘Head Cell Phone Number Listed’
These fields are intended for Directories or Guide Books
The field pulls, for example, Head Cell Phones that do not have the checkbox ‘Cell Phone is unlisted’ checked on the member screen
Formation Attendance Report Enhancement
The “Download Attendance Report” button now allows you to choose a blank or filled out version of the report
Zip code is no longer required for most countries when adding sacraments. The only two that will require a zip code are the United States and Canada
Suffixes have been added to the Member Listing page
An Emergency Contact Tab has been added to Formation
The members on the Household Members screen are now ordered. The order goes Head, Co-Head, then by age. Deceased members will appear at the bottom