December 2023

Ability to split contribution between multiple activities and credit parishes

  • Users at both the Parish and the Diocese are able to Split Contributions from a single Fund to multiple Activities. Diocese level users are able to split on Credit Parishes as well

Ability to split pledge to activities and credit entities by amount (or %)

Tie a contribution to a specific pledge

  • Users are able to link a contribution to a specific pledge.

Tying old contributions to pledges.

  • We automatically associated all previous contributions with their respective pledges but in some cases we were unable to determine which pledge a contribution was associated with if there were multiple pledges to the same fund with overlapping date ranges.  In this case we built a way for you to manually fix anything we may not have been able to fix automatically.  Under Administration -> Procedures there is a new function titled “Contribution Pledge Matching” which can be used to clean up anything that may have been missed.

New pledge report:  Contributions - Pledge Fulfillments Summary 

  • This new report will give you a breakdown summary of all of your pledge related information for households as well as community members.  This report will work slightly differently than the others as it will show you one line per pledge per split.  This means that if you have a pledge that has been split between multiple activities it will show each split and the total paid towards that split. This report will also show any soft credits and how they relate to the pledge.