New Improved Fixed
about 1 year ago

July 2023

Enhancements to the Batch Pledges process:  
  • Added "Pledge Type" and "Response Type" fields.  This will further identify information about the pledge.  
  • Added a "No Remittance" checkbox next to the "Anonymous" checkbox to be able to identify donors that do not want to receive a remittance for the balance of their pledge.  
  • Added a house icon at the end of the Household field.  Clicking this button takes the user to the Households screen so address and other contact information can be updated.  Clicking the "Batch Pledges" menu item when done brings the user back into the current pledge batch.


  • When a Down Payment is entered during the Batch Pledges process, the "Is a contribution included" checkbox is automatically checked and the amount of the Down Payment is automatically copied to the Contribution Amount field.  

Other Enhancements:  
  • Added the ability to change the Head of Household from the main member listing screen without having to open the member record.
  • Added the ability to add personalized links to the online formation registration form by a user.
  • Added the ability to search by Maiden Name on the household and member screens.  
  • The 7-digit phone number (cell or home without area code) is now able to be searched as well.  
  • Previously there were some issues with searching for people with special characters in their names (e.g. O'Connor).  That has been resolved.