New Improved
over 1 year ago

December 2022

  • New Formation report type available - Formation - Attendance
    • This report type will be able to see if a student was Present, Absent, etc. on a certain session date
  • Made-up and Excused have added as options when taking Attendance in a Formation class
  • Multiple Dispensation types can now be chosen under the marriage sacrament. In addition to being able to choose multiple dispensations, a free text field has been added for any additional dispensation types
  • When using the search bar on the reports listing page, the search will remain when you click into a report and then click back out of the report
  • The Additional Fields under Formation classes can now be marked as required on the Formation Online Registration form
  • Access level can now be changed after a report is created and saved. Either the report creator can change the access level or users with the right "Reports Administrator" can change access levels for any report
  • Multiple roles can now be given access to reports when choosing the Access Level of "Role"