July 2024

Simplified Contributions Batch Report
  • Added the option to download A "Simple Report" for the Contribution Batch. This option emphasizes efficiency and simplicity in regards to information
Emergency Contact Fields Update
  • Added the "relationship to student" field in the emergency contact section of the online registration form.
Course Descriptions
  • Added a field where staff can write a brief description of the course and made it visible when filling out the registration form.
Registration Form Fields Update
  • Updated the consent fields to be a more definitive yes/no answer and made sure the form could not be submitted before selecting an answer
  • Added a slot for consent for use of photos in digital and/or physical media
Added More Fields to Several Reports
  • Formation - Class Roster
    • Household Formal Salutation
    • Household Formal Mailing Name
    • Household Formation Notes
  • Formation - Student Classes
    • Household Formation Notes
  • Contributions - Campaign Summary (Non-Recurring)
    • Last Contribution Date
    • Last Contribution Amount
At the Diocese level:
  • Contributions - Monthly Diocese Summary (Non-Recurring)
    • Total Commitments Excluding Fees
    • Over Under Collections Excluding Fees
    • Over Under Commitments Excluding Fees
  • Contributions - Monthly Parish Summary (Non-Recurring)
    • Formal Salutation
    • Preferred First Names 
New Field Added to Households Screen
  • Added "Info Last Verified" to the Households screen so you can now indicate the last time the household contact and member information had been reviewed and verified