September 2023

Envelope Number Display Update

  • To avoid confusion between the Diocese Household ID and the Parish Envelope Number, both are now displayed next to each other on the main household screen.
    Batch Pledge Entry Enhancement

  • Batch pledges can now be entered by Envelope Number in addition to Household Name and Household ID. 
    Added the Fund Activity Reference Number to the CSV Export for Batch Contributions 

        Added the Capability to Delete a Marriage Sacrament

  • A user can now delete a saved marriage sacrament if their role has the chosen right.
    Added the Capability to Track the Sacrament of "Anointing of the Sick"

  • This sacrament is unique in that a person can receive it more than once.  Camino tracks the history and allows reporting on the most recent time it was received. 
    Added the Capability to Display more Households, Members, and Reports Per Page

  • Previously, a user was limited to displaying 10 or 20 items (Households, Members, or Reports) per page.  Now they can also choose to display 50 items per page.  Additionally, the item "Parish Parameters" was added to the Administration menu to allow the user to set the default items per page for all screens.
    Enhanced Online Giving Contribution Matching

  • When importing online giving contributions, the name search will check not only the Household Last Name for a match, but it will now also check the Head Last Name, Head Maiden Name, Co-Head Last Name, and the Co-Head Maiden Name.   

    Added the Capability for a Parish Household to not Receive Diocese Correspondence

  • For dioceses that use Camino, they can enable individual parish households to opt out of receiving diocese mail and/or diocese emails. 
    External Diocese IDs can be imported from a CSV file

  • On the Administration - Procedures menu, a new item was added at both the Diocese and Parish Levels.  It's called "Import External Diocese IDs" and it allows the Camino administrator to import External Diocese IDs from a CSV file as long as certain criteria are met. 
    A Parish Employee can be identified on the Member screen

  • A checkbox was added to the member screen that will allow the user to identify the household member as a Parish Employee.
    Funds can now be Categorized by Type

  • On the Administration - Parish Funds menu, the field "Fund Type" was added.  This enables the parish to use whatever name they want for the fund description but to classify funds by specific categories.