November 2023

Search displays best matches on top

  • When searching for Household, Member, Community Member the search result will display the best matches at the top of the list.  For example, search for "Smith" will display names with Smith first, streets with Smith next, etc.

In Reports with dates, option of "Between" is added

  • When creating a report with date and numbers, the option of "Between" is now available to avoid having to create two separate reports.

Added a "Sacrament Verified" button on all Sacraments

  • Parishes can check a "Sacrament Verified" box if documents have been received for the Sacrament.

Reports that can be connected to Evangelus

  • The Evangelus icon has been added to the reports that can be connected to Evangelus to help distinguish them.

Adding new household button

  • When adding a new household and the name matches other households in the system, a button has been added to select it as a new household not associated with the matching names.

Titles added to Fields in Query tab

  • When running a report, labels have been added to the query tab to replace + and (+)

Ability to revise an online batch after it is posted

  • We've introduced a new feature that allows users to edit a posted online contribution batch. After a batch has been posted, users with the appropriate permissions can make edits and modifications to it. However, if a contribution is older than a specified time period, the system will prompt the user to provide a reason for the change before allowing the modification. To track these changes, you can click the 'View Change' button, which will display a history of all the modifications made to the batch since it was originally posted.