March 2024

GiveCentral API

  • Introducing our new partnership with GiveCentral! GiveCentral is now a preferred partner of Camino. Together GiveCentral and the team here at Diocesan have laid the foundation of a seamless online giving experience. With this new integration, if you are a customer of GiveCentral, your online contributions will post to your Camino database automatically with almost zero effort on your end. This is just the beginning so stay tuned for many more features to come that will optimize and revolutionize your experience with the Camino database, such as automatic pledge ID matching, as well as features relating to faith formation. If you would like to learn more about GiveCentral and how it works with Camino, reach out to your Camino support specialist at 1-800-994-9817

Diocese Level - External Parish ID

  • External Parish ID added to Diocese Level Contribution Reports

Diocese Level - Import Credit Card Fees

  • The ability to import Credit Card Fees from Give Central at the Diocese Level.

Diocese Level - Give Central Import supports Credit Parish

  • Give Central File Import API supports Credit Parish at Diocese Level.

New Assignment Address Field

  • A future Primary Assignment can be made.  It will show with a yellow circle and a checkmark.  The current Primary Assignment will continue to show as well.
  • Current Assignment Address Options will be available if ALL of the following conditions are met: Official Assignment is checked Primary Assignment is checkedAssignment Type is “Inside Diocese” Address Type is “Member” Effective Date is in the future
  • If the assignment’s End Date (made at the Diocese level) is in the future, it will not show at the Parish level until the End Date has passed.Diocese-level View:
  • Parish-level View:
  • The assignment’s End Date made at the Diocese level is in the future, and will not show at the Parish level until the End Date has passed. 

New Diocese Organization Category to support Congregations of Clusters

  • A new Diocese Organization Category called Cluster/Family Congregation which will represent churches where Mass is held in a parish community. It is not a separate parish, but a congregation in a parish community.
  • This congregation should be able to be linked to the parish. These are similar to the buildings parishes may setup, but accessible to the diocese so that they can track addresses, contact information, and any specific assignments.