April 2024

We want to introduce you to a preferred partner - GiveCentral.  We have been working with GiveCentral in the Dioceses of San Diego and Helena, Montana for several months.  Our expertise is in helping enrich your database and ministry tools.  GiveCentral's focus is on helping make your engagement and fundraising as simple and easy as possible.  This Partnership is just one of the ways that camino and GiveCentral are working together to support the nonprofit sector and help organizations focus on mission rather than administration.
GiveCentral interacts with Camino to automatically send pledges, gifts, and payments to the database without manual intervention.  This integration allows nonprofits to seamlessly sync their donor data and fundraising campaigns between GiveCentral and Camino, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors, saving nonprofits valuable time and resources.

Please join us for this special one hour webinar:
  • What's new with Camino?
  • Opportunities and enhancements with Camino including lessons learned and best practices.
  • Who is GiveCentral?  What does it mean to seamlessly sysnc between tools?
  • GiveCentral Opportunities & Demo

Join our upcoming webinars, click on the dates below


Fund Activity Reference Number

  • On Contribtuion Batch Report, a column has been added to display Fund Activity Reference Number

Batch Contribution Search

  • To Assist in searching on large batches, the ability to search Batches by Donor, Amount, Check Number, and Donor ID/Envelope number has been added.

Credit Card Import Screen

  • Screen has been added to assist in importing Credit Card Fees.

Home Button on Batch Contributions

  • There is a Home Button on Batch Contributions that will take you to the household screen to verify data.
  • Return to the Batch you were inputting simply by clicking on Batch Contributions.